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HomeHealth & WellnessDoes Fruit Make You Fat? Let's Find Out The Truth

Does Fruit Make You Fat? Let’s Find Out The Truth

So good is so, often very sweet, an absolute pleasure for the taste buds: it is fruit buds. And from breakfast to dinner or as an afternoon snack. So good and so sweet? “Ah,” some might say, “then it definitely makes you fat.” In reality, this is not really the case. The truth, reality, in fact, is always halfway. 

We start from the assumption that fruit is one of the most essential foods, together with vegetables, within the food pyramid. The World Health Organization five  (WHO) recommends eating five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Why? Well, the answer is straightforward. Fruit is, in fact, rich in the following:

  1. fiber, which improves digestion and intestinal function, lowers cholesterol, and increases the feeling of satiety;
  2. Vitamins and mineral salts are fundamental for the proper functioning of the body.

Having said this, it is impossible to deny that there are fruits that contain more sugar than others and, therefore, more calories. Below, we will see what they are. But at the same time, it is impossible to deny that, in the absence of particular dietary needs (allergies or specific pathologies), fruit is fundamental for the body and, regardless of everything, must be consumed regularly. , even those that contain fat or have a high caloric intake have essential properties that are very good for the body. Even “less dietary” fruit is good for you. The important thing, as in all things, is to do just what is necessary. Are you ready? Let’s discover together the truth about the fruit-line combination.

Fruit: Low-Fat Content

Fruit is generally low in fat. Looking at nutritional values, the most crucial percentage of macronutrients is, without a doubt, that of sugars, straightforward sugars such as fructose and glucose. The quantity of proteins is also generally irrelevant. Therefore, the vast majority of fruit contains very little fat, usually less than 0.5 grams per 100 grams of product. There are exceptions to this general rule, which we list below.

A premise: from a nutritional point of view, when we talk about fats, we are actually referring to fatty acids, which can be saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are generally considered more harmful to the body than unsaturated ones because they are more challenging to synthesize. The more complicated metabolism of saturated fats means that they have a more remarkable ability to concentrate in the blood; on the contrary, unsaturated fats lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Saturated fats are found primarily in animal foodsUnsaturated fats are also found in plant-based foods. The time has come to find out which fruits contain the most fat.

  1. Avocado: Avocado is one of the fruits that has the lowest amount of sugar and fat. The highest amount of fats. It consists of 14.7 grams of fat per 100 grams. Unsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated 9.8 g and polyunsaturated 1.8 g) prevail over saturated fatty acids (2.1 g). Avocado is an excellent source of energy., zinc, and phosphorus, as well as essential vitamins such as B5, B6, K, E, and C. There is no cholesterol in avocado.
  2. Coconut: Like avocado, coconut is also rich in fat (35 grams per 100 grams of product), the vast majority of which is saturated. For this reason, it is not recommended for those suffering from high cholesterol. Despite this, coconut is an excellent source of magnesium, essential for bone health, phosphorus, and potassium.
  3. Olives: Olives also fall into the category of fruit with a high amount of fat. Olives are almost all unsaturated (only 1.42 g saturated). Olives are a source of vitamins A, iodine, and potassium. They also have high fiber content. Olive oil, despite being very fatty, is an essential food for the health of our body. It can and must also be used in low-fat diets under two conditions: balanced quantities and always consumed raw.
  4. Dried fruit: Not all dried fruit has a high-fat content.

Carbohydrate dried fruit, i.e., dehydrated fruit and dried fruit, is rich in sugars but low in fat.

Fatty dried fruit(almonds ( almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts) is rich in fat but contains few sugars. Almonds contain a high amount of unsaturated fat and only 5% saturated fat. Cholesterol-free, they have a good protein intake, considering they are fruits. Among the mineral salts found in almonds there are magnesium almonds, phosphorus, and zinc. , which is why they must be taken in moderation, especially for those who follow a low-calorie diet. 

Walnuts are a dry fruit with a high energy value. Rich in unsaturated fats, they have antioxidant properties and reduce bad cholesterol. They contain numerous mineral salts and vitamins of groups B and E. Hazelnuts are very caloric (655 calories per 100 grams). Their calories come mainly from fats (88%), which are also unsaturated. Sources of sodium, magnesium, and vitamins K and E are rich in proteins. Their consumption is associated with a reduction in total and bad cholesterol.

The Fruits With A Draining Effect

As explained above, there are very few fruits that contain high amounts of fat. In general, fruit contains negligible quantities of lipids. , even those for losing weight. Not only that, did you know that many fruits have a draining effect? Well, yes, they promote diuresis and help eliminate excess fluids that cause water retention, cellulite, and swelling. Here are the main fruits with a draining effect.

  1. Pineapple: Pineapple is the ultimate fat-burning fruit. He is a friend of all women, helping to fight the blemishes of cellulite. It is rich in water, mineral salts, and vitamins, has antioxidant properties, and aids digestion.
  2. Kiwi: Rich in potassium and phosphorus, kiwi is a source of fiber. Precisely for this reason, it is an ally against abdominal swelling. It is an excellent antioxidant and counteracts skin aging, making it more beautiful.
  3. Lemon: Low in sugar, it increases the feeling of satiety. Lemon is the perfect ally if you are on a weight-loss diet. It has diuretic properties, counteracts the formation of cellulite, and fights abdominal swelling.
  4. Melon: Made up mainly of water, melon stimulates diuresis and counteracts the formation of cellulite. n. stimulates the production of melanin.
  5. Papaya: Papaya has draining properties, promotes protein digestion, and prevents abdominal swelling. It is an excellent antioxidant and rich in vitamins and mineral salts.
  6. Grapefruit: friendly to digestion, grapefruit helps weight loss. Eat half of it before a meal; it increases the feeling of satiety and burns fat.

The Benefits Of Fruit

To describe all the benefits of fruit, a treatise would be needed! They are countless and vary from fruit to fruit. To simplify the scheme, it is possible to identify some common traits that will make your mouth water. To delve into the magical world of fruit in a simple and fun way, we can distinguish it based on its coloratura, which are associated with specific nutritional principles and beneficial properties:

  1. Green fruits, such as grapes, figs, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Green fruits have antioxidant properties and stimulate the immune system, as well as facilitating the absorption of iron.
  2. Red fruit, such as watermelon range, blueberries, and raspberries, is a source of vitamins A and C, as well as magnesium and potassium, and has an anti-tumor action.
  3. Yellow and orange fruits, such as apples, tangerines, oranges, and lemons, are rich in vitamins B1, B6, and C, as well as iron. This type of fruit brings benefits to eyesight and skin.
  4. Blue and purple fruit slums, grapes, blackberries, and currants contain vitamins A, C, and K and are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Blue and purple fruit also protect the cardiovascular system.

Why Consume Seasonal Fruit

Eating seasonal fruits means thoroughly enjoying their authentic flavor and smell, as well as all their nutritional characteristics. The nutrients of seasonal fruit are not altered and are totally “natural.” Not only:

  1. Seasonal products do not use pesticides, or there are only small quantities. Choosing seasonal fruit, therefore, means making a choice for your health.
  2. Seasonal fruits are less expensive, given that they do not require an “artificial” environment to grow or be imported from other regions or countries, eliminating transport costs.
  3. By using fewer pesticides, reducing transport, and avoiding the construction of “environments” in which it can grow out of season, the impact that fruit production has on the environment is significantly reduced.

 Also Read: Seven Best Fruits To Get Fat


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