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HomeDietFoods That Help Prevent And Treat Headaches

Foods That Help Prevent And Treat Headaches

When we have a headache, it is natural to think about taking some pain reliever to see if the pain goes away. The solution to the problem may lie in some foods that help prevent and treat headaches, often eliminating the need for medication.

One of the leading causes of headache is dehydration, so start by including pure water and foods rich in liquids in your routine. 

However, some foods can trigger headaches, such as industrialized, light versions, stimulants (energetics), and alcoholic and spicy drinks. Sensitivity to these foods varies from person to person; the secret is to consume them in moderation and, whenever possible, opt for natural or less-processed options.  

Here are some examples of foods that you can include in your diet, as they will help you prevent and treat headaches. 

Fatty Fish

Even though that name sounds strange, don’t be alarmed; fatty fish are those rich in omega 3 and healthy fats. Salmon, tuna, and sardines are excellent options for your menu.  

Omega 3 helps in the prevention of heart and brain diseases and also decreases blood viscosity. This improves blood circulation in the head, helping to reduce pain.

Other foods are also rich in omega-3s, such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and oysters. See what are the 8 best foods with omega 3. 

Magnesium-Rich Foods 

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the human body and is related to muscle contraction, which can sometimes cause some headaches. One type of headache is a tension headache, in which the muscles are contracted for a long time, due to stress, for example. 

This mineral is necessary for the proper functioning of our brain, as it facilitates the performance of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which gives us a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Foods Rich In Vitamin C 

Our body cannot produce vitamin C, so it is necessary to resort to foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, and berries.

Because they are foods with high water content in their composition, they also fit into the category of diuretics, which help regulate high blood pressure, one of the most common causes of headache. 

Vitamin C helps strengthen and relax the walls of blood vessels, which promotes better blood circulation in the brain. In addition, vitamin C exerts an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, which are essential in preventing and treating headaches. 

Foods That Help You Sleep

Some foods help reduce anxiety and stress levels and promote a better night’s sleep. Poorly slept nights are one of the common causes of headaches. 

Passion fruit, cherry, and cinnamon are examples of foods that help us relax and sleep better. 

See other foods that promote a good night’s sleep:

  • Oatmeal is food with melatonin, a hormone released at the beginning of the night when the natural light is decreasing. By consuming it, you can fall asleep faster.  
  • Milk: it is a food rich in tryptophan, responsible for the production of melatonin and serotonin, hormones that regulate the sleep cycle and provide a feeling of relaxation. So, drinking a glass of milk 30 minutes before bed can help you have a better rest. 
  • Cherry: also a rich source of melatonin, it can be consumed as an after-dinner dessert or as a juice. 
  • Cabbage: because it is a source of magnesium, cabbage works directly on muscle relaxation, thus relieving tensions that can disrupt sleep and cause headaches. 

Whole Grains

Whole-grain foods like rice, bread, pasta, chia, quinoa, oatmeal, flaxseed, wheat germ, and sesame have a wondrous fiber, preventing blood insulin spikes.

Very sudden changes in blood glucose are a triggering factor for headache attacks. In addition, fibers help in the proper functioning of the intestine, reducing body inflammation and, therefore, the chances of you suffering from a headache.

Some of these foods are rich in more than one nutrient, providing health benefits in general, not just for headaches. Having a healthy diet and exercising is essential for a better quality of life.


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