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How Can Healthy Eating Prevent Illness?

Taking care of food is not just about being aware of being overweight and concerned with aesthetics. Care with healthy eating should prioritize health and prevent risky diseases that may arise due to poor diet.

Our immune system is structured on the absorption of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and specific substances that will generate chemical reactions that will protect our body from possible invading microorganisms. 

What we eat cannot only be linked to cultural issues, personal tastes, or lack of time. We need to select foods that value the well-being and health of our bodies. Maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t have to be a sacrifice, and you don’t have to stop eating the things you like.

How To Maintain A Healthy Diet In The Rush Of Everyday Life? 

The rush of the present day often disrupts the routine of maintaining a healthy diet, causing meals to be full of processed foods and unhealthy fats or excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates.

Despite being one of the primary means of supplying energy to the body, carbohydrate needs to be treated carefully when ingested. Simple carbohydrates, such as white flour and refined products, have their molecules broken down quickly by the body, providing energy spikes and increasing blood glucose levels.

In the consumption of simple carbohydrates, the feeling of satiety does not happen because burning this energy occurs very quickly and is converted into fat. Not to mention that excess glucose in the blood generates the feeling of fatigue, and the increase in blood glucose in peaks causes an imbalance in the body’s insulin supply.

Unlike complex carbohydrates, composed of varieties of vegetables, vegetables and green leaves, grains and oilseeds, and some whole foods, where the body slowly breaks down their molecules, there are no glycemic peaks but a regular curve, maintaining satiety for longer and also the balance of substances involved in the process.

To maintain a healthy diet and avoid possible diseases that can arise due to poor diet, it is necessary to be aware of the body’s predispositions. Consult a doctor and a trusted nutritionist before starting any diet process, whether food reeducation or weight loss purposes, is essential to ensure health and well-being during the process.

And to avoid running away from your diet daily, you must get into a healthy eating routine. Establishing a process for creating meals, storing portions, and being aware that in some places, you will not find foods that are part of your healthy diet is essential.

So sometimes it’s better to take your lunch to work. In addition to saving money by not having lunch out, you guarantee healthy eating and don’t run away from your priorities or fall into temptations.

What Are The Most Common Health Problems Linked To Poor Diet?

The most common health problems linked to a poor diet include obesity, high cholesterol, gastritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity can predispose to several other diseases, such as those mentioned above.

In addition to being characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat, it is essential to check whether there is any other genetic, psychological, or even environmental predisposing factor behind obesity that is inducing the person to such a risk situation and seek to solve this health problem.

High cholesterol can cause veins and arteries to clog, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol from our food is produced in the liver and comes mainly from high-fat foods such as yellow cheeses, dairy products, butter, etc.

To prevent this increase, it is essential to balance the consumption of foods from this group and opt for a healthy diet rich in fiber, in addition to staying away from foods with a lot of trans fats. Exercise is also essential.

Gastritis is also one of the diseases that can come from a poor diet, especially among those who take long breaks between meals and eat large amounts. To avoid this irritation of the stomach mucosa, it is essential to focus on healthy eating, eating more times a day and in small quantities.

It is worth remembering that leaving aside foods that irritate the stomach mucosa is essential, such as soda, acidic foods, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, coffee, and condiments.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the body due to lack of production, insufficient production, or even malfunction of insulin, causing the blood glycemic index to increase. Type II diabetes is the most affecting people, mainly related to obesity and predisposition to the disease.

Practicing exercises regularly is essential for those with diabetes and balancing and re-educating food. If you have a predisposition or are pre-diabetic, you must talk to your doctor to put together a menu based on healthy eating and reverse the case.

Controlling the intake of simple carbohydrates and the balance of food is essential to avoid diabetes.

Another disease that affects many people and is increasingly affecting young people is hypertension. Significant causes of increased blood pressure are poor diet and hereditary issues. Excessive consumption of fats, salt, and alcoholic beverages, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity are contributors to the appearance of this pathology.

Before consuming, it is essential to pay attention to the amount of sodium that industrialized foods contain. A healthy and balanced diet is an excellent ally to controlling blood pressure and keeping up with the health of your body.

Also Read: Natural And Healthy Products To Include In Your Diet


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