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HomeDiet6 Reasons Why Your Diet Doesn't Work

6 Reasons Why Your Diet Doesn’t Work

A radical diet proposes demanding protocols that encourage consuming processed foods with a reduced calorie content, which tend to cause a lack of certain nutrients and, therefore, cannot be maintained in the long term. 

To lose weight, we must identify the reasons that prevent us from following a diet and look for solutions. Therefore, below, we will analyze the possible causes of why your weight loss diet does not work.

Why Doesn’t Your Weight Loss Diet Work?

If you’re trying to lose those extra pounds, you may have already asked yourself this question. One study indicates that two out of three dieters gain back the lost weight and have a higher body weight than before starting the diet.

As a result, frustration arises, and a vicious circle begins that turns the scales into a roller coaster, potentially harming both metabolism and mood.

6 Reasons Why Your Diet Doesn’t Work

Stop Eating Essential Healthy Fats

This could be the main reason why weight loss diets fail. Some health professionals suggest that an imbalance in omega-3 and omega-6 consumption may be related to obesity.

Ideally, we should consume approximately the same amount of omega-6 and omega-3. However, due to the greater consumption of processed foods, which often contain vegetable oils and other fats, the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids is very high compared to omega-3.

Furthermore, stopping eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can cause you to overeat because the body does not receive complete meals and craves fat in any form, favoring overeating.

There Is A Calorie Deficiency

As your body works to maintain weight, it becomes hungry and deprived of nutrients when you don’t get enough food. When this happens constantly, it triggers a survival response in which the body slows down its metabolism to conserve resources.

Your body conserves its caloric expenditure intelligently because it doesn’t know when it will have access to the nutrients it needs.

So, paradoxically, insufficient calories can cause your body to gain weight because your metabolism slows down as it stays in “survival” mode.

There Is A Protein Deficiency

Many people tend to see legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas) as foods rich in calories that need to be banned for those who want to lose weight.

However, the truth is that these foods are also a source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates that leave us feeling full for many hours. Furthermore, because they are rich in protein, they help develop muscle mass, our fat-burning tissue.

For Doing A Lot Of Physical Exercise

Regular exercise is essential, but 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily is sufficient. If you exercise too intensely, you trigger your body’s stress response.

Doing this repeatedly can put your body into a state of chronic stress, and when this occurs, your immune system becomes weakened. The stress hormone cortisol is released,  which can contribute to weight gain. This hormone has also been linked to immune problems, depression and infertility.

Due To The Stress Of Dieting

Constantly worrying about what you eat, counting calories and losing the pleasure of eating can also stress your body.

Instead of trying to fit into the strict rules of a diet, it’s simply about eating healthy foods that also satisfy your taste buds.

Your Diet Doesn’t Work Because It’s Unsustainable

Many weight loss diets propose demanding protocols and, therefore, cannot be maintained long-term. Sooner or later, you will need to learn to eat healthy.

Instead of wasting time tricking your body at the expense of your central nervous system or your health, you can work with your body’s natural functioning.

You can give your body a constant flow of healthy, tasty foods to give you energy and vitality. Maintaining a constant flow of nutrients keeps blood sugar stable, promoting the ability to concentrate and mental clarity.

Also Read: Four Myths And Truths To Have A Healthy Diet


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