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HomeHealth & WellnessDinner Cancelling: A Good Weight Loss Method?

Dinner Cancelling: A Good Weight Loss Method?

Actually, in the world of dieting, most health trends tend to come from America.  Luckily, not all pointless weight loss trends originate in America. There are also enough other countries that compete with the USA in this respect.

You don’t have to stray too far because there is also a ‘dinner cancelling’ hype in Germany. You skip dinner to lose weight.

With this diet (or instead of a diet), you should even be able to lose 1 kilo per week. But as soon as you hear a ‘1 kilo a week’ promise somewhere, caution is advised.

What Is Dinner Cancelling?

I gave it away a bit above, but I think it’s worth exploring the idea of ​​dinner cancelling a little more deeply. The name already gives a clear indication of what it is about:

It won’t surprise you that eating one less meal daily will make you lose weight.

With dinner cancelling, you do nothing other than skip dinner to lose weight in this way.

But you can do this in different ways:

  • Skip dinner every day.
  • Only eat nothing every other day in the evening.
  • Skipping dinner on weekdays but not on weekends.
  • Or any other creative combination.

The more often you skip dinner, the more you will lose weight, according to the followers of this method.

Fewer Calories

When it comes to losing weight, there are different things you can do to start the process.

The logic behind this is not difficult to understand.

When you eat less, you take in fewer calories… resulting in your body having to draw on its fat stores to function correctly.

Fortunately, this means that the Love Handles are slowly melting away.

In any case, while the quality of the food is probably more important than eating less, eating less won’t put you on weight ( unless your metabolism slows down ).

The way to eat fewer calories with dinner cancelling is obvious. Over the week, you eat fewer calories by skipping meals. The more you miss dinner, the greater the calorie deficit at the end of the week and thus the weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting

Eating less isn’t the only reason you lose weight with this diet ( you can’t call this method a diet ). Because if you leave out dinner when cancelling dinner, you unconsciously do something that is even more important than eating less.

What Is Interval Fasting Or Intermittent Fasting?

In the article on interval fasting, or intermittent fasting as it is also known, linked above, you will find a lot of information about this diet method and why it is so healthy.

Nevertheless, I would like to summaries’ what makes this diet so healthy briefly. And as I said, this is a form of nutrition, not a ‘diet’.

Intermittent fasting (sometimes called intermittent fasting) is a diet where you have a window of a few hours a day to eat and then don’t eat for the rest of the day.

An 8-16 hour ‘eating window’ in intermittent fasting is most commonly used. You are allowed to eat for eight consecutive hours and then nothing for 16 hours. By the way, you shouldn’t drink anything that contains calories.

Most of the 16 hours fall during the night. That’s why many people choose an eating window from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and eat nothing the rest of the time.

So the goal of intermittent fasting isn’t so much to eat less as to only eat at certain times. But of course, it also helps – just like with dinner cancelling – if you try to eat a little less.

And the benefits that intermittent fasting offers in terms of health are impressive:

  • Significant weight loss (most of it fat)
  • Improved lipid profile (LDL, HDL and triglycerides)
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Less underlying inflammation in the body
  • Slowed ageing process
  • Fewer fluctuations in blood sugar levels (more occasional sharp spikes)
  • Increased insulin sensitivity

Considering these benefits, one can conclude that everyone should practice intermittent fasting. Whether you want to lose weight or not,  the health benefits are enormous.

With dinner cancelling, you don’t ‘really’ practice intermittent fasting. By skipping dinner, however, you automatically force yourself into an eating window and thus consciously reduce calories and intermittent fasting.

Also Read: Pros And Cons Of Intermittent Fasting


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