Being hypertensive is running the risk of being affected by even more serious diseases such as stroke and heart attack, which can leave sequelae or lead to death.
But the good news is that, although it has no cure, hypertension can be controlled, with a balanced diet being one of the most effective forms of care.
In this post, in addition to the concept of hypertension, you will know what care is needed in the fight against hypertension. Keep reading and see how a vegetarian diet can help control the disease!
What Is Hypertension?
Hypertension, popularly known as high blood pressure, is the elevation of blood pressure levels based on a measurement greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. It is characterized by an abnormal increase, for a prolonged period, of the pressure that the blood makes in the circulation of the body’s arteries.
It is divided into:
Systolic – pressure of the blood circulating through the arteries to the rest of the body;
Diastolic – blood pressure in the arteries when the body is at rest.
The biggest cause of hypertension is linked to the resistance and hardening of the blood vessels through which the blood must pass. This process requires greater effort from the heart to pump blood.
There are risk factors such as heredity – in 90% of cases – or related diseases such as thyroid disorders or disorders in endocrine glands such as the adrenal gland.
Other factors, such as alcohol consumption, age, obesity, excess salt, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and diabetes mellitus, can also lead to hypertension.
Hypertension is a silent disease, and the symptoms – chest pain, headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and blurred vision – can be confused with other problems, so a periodic check-up is recommended and necessary.
What Are The Recommendations In The Fight Against Hypertension?
Hypertension has no cure, but with proper care, it is possible to have a better quality of life. Treatment is a set of actions that hypertensive patients must take to keep blood pressure levels in balance.
Lifestyle change is essential for anyone diagnosed with hypertension. See some conducts that should be adopted as corrective and preventive measures!
Replace Salt With Natural Seasonings
Sodium, present in salt, is a deadly enemy of hypertension. Therefore, it should be avoided as much as possible in food preparation. Salt causes fluid retention in the body, which increases the volume of blood circulating through the body.
As the arteries do not change caliber, the pressure tends to rise. The moderate use of salt is not a problem, but general exaggerations exist.
The WHO: World Health Organization recommends 5 grams daily, although most are not content with less than 12 grams.
An action that usually has an effect is to stop using table salt, that is, not adding a pinch while eating. Foods that contain a lot of sodium, such as instant soups, soy sauce, sausages and soft drinks, should be avoided.
Avoid Canning
Preserves such as pickles, olives, hearts of palm and canned foods such as tomato, corn and pea extract generally have high sodium levels to preserve the food, so they should be avoided. It is important to always pay attention to the label.
If the consumption of preserves cannot be avoided, adopt the practice of removing excess salt by soaking the food in fresh water for an hour.
Prioritize Foods Rich In Proteins
Although most people think that proteins can only be found in meat, foods of vegetable origin, when combined correctly, offer efficient portions for the proper functioning of the organism.
Have Professional Follow-Up
As we said, hypertension is an illness that does not show specific signs, and, in general, people do not care when they notice any of the symptoms that can be confused with something momentary. In the fight against hypertension, therefore, you should have the help of a professional.
Adopting a preventive posture, visiting the doctor even when everything seems normal is the best way to contain the progression or worsening of a hypertensive process. Don’t wait to change the organism. Only then seek help.
Early diagnosis, performed by professionals such as General Practitioners, Cardiologists and Vascular Surgeons, can save lives. The doctor is the best option for determining the most appropriate type of treatment.
Subsequently, it is also possible to count on the help of a nutritionist to formulate an ideal menu consistent with the condition of a hypertensive person to balance food consumption.
Practicing Regular Physical Activity
Besides lowering blood pressure, physical activity regulates blood pressure in the body. Thus, a hypertensive person will lead a normal life, even if the problem has no cure.
Associated with a good diet and healthier life habits, the hypertensive person will not have difficulties living with the disease.
If you schedule a daily walk outdoors or start with light jogs, increasing difficulty over time, these are good practices for hypertensive people.
Why Adopt A Vegetarian Diet To Control High Blood Pressure?
The natural vegetarian diet prioritizes foods of plant origin, eliminating fats and foods with preservatives. There are types of vegetarians, and some may accept the consumption of animal derivatives such as eggs and dairy products.
Most importantly, a vegetarian menu never lacks foods with a high concentration of protein, vitamins, minerals and other essential components for good health.
Daily meals include foods such as fruits, vegetables, greens, whole grains, legumes and oilseeds, not to mention that the vegetarian is concerned with the combination of foods and the portions necessary to maintain the body’s energy and willingness to fulfil the agenda.
There are already several products on the market with adequate nutritional values for those who need a healthy diet to combat hypertension.
Also Read: What Are Cholesterol And Triglycerides? What’s The Difference?