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HomeHair CareLearn The Real Importance Of Nutrition In The Health Of Your Hair

Learn The Real Importance Of Nutrition In The Health Of Your Hair

In addition to investing in masks and treatment ampoules, another way to strengthen your hair strands and enhance your hair schedule is to include specific foods in your diet.

In this post, we tell you the importance that a good diet plays in hair health, and we show you the primary nutrients required by hair. Want to know more? So grab a pen and paper and write down the tips we’ve prepared below!

Why Is A Good Diet Essential For Your Hair?

Like the other structures that make up our body, hair must also be supplied with nutrients to continue developing healthily.

Although cosmetics help – a lot – with this nutritional replacement, the best way to acquire essential nutrients is still through good nutrition.

Investing in a diet rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids is the key to achieving shiny, silky hair with balanced growth.

Therefore, recognizing which nutrients are essential for hair development and investing in a diet that embraces these substances is as crucial as creating a hair schedule.

What Are The Most Important Nutrients For Hair Fiber?

More than 80% of the hair strand is made up of keratin. Therefore, investing in a protein-rich diet is one of the main strategies a person can do to preserve the vitality and support of the hair.

Zinc, calcium, and iron are other essential nutrients for hair fiber. Responsible for acting on the growth and strengthening of hair, mineral salts make the hair structure more resistant and prevent it from taking on a thin, brittle, and dull appearance.

In addition to proteins and mineral salts, it is also worth investing in vitamin C, vitamin E, and B complex vitamins, which, respectively, act to neutralize free radicals and restore the hair’s natural hydration.

What Foods Strengthen Hair?

Do you know that saying “the more colorful the dish, the more nutritious it is”? Well done! It fits perfectly well when we talk about hair nutrition.

There is no one food or another that has an intrinsic performance on hair. It is their combination that will make a difference in hair development. Therefore, choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, meats, and grains.

Now, thinking specifically about hair strengthening and growth, the most recommended foods are beans, milk, lean meats, eggs, grains, cereals, carrots, strawberries, and dark green vegetables, which are rich in proteins and mineral salts.

How Does A Poor Diet Affect Hair?

Just like the use of chemicals and the action of external agents, a poor diet is also capable of interfering with the health and stability of hair strands.

If your diet is low in protein, for example, your hair tends to take on a thin, brittle, and dull appearance, making it more prone to breakage and even hair loss.

If your diet is low in B vitamins and unsaturated fats, your scalp may be more likely to develop flaking and excessive oiliness.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that a lack of nutrients, in general, can contribute to a dry and lifeless appearance, reinforcing the importance of a balanced diet in the hair life cycle.

Discover The Power Of Hair Supplements!

In addition to following a nutrient-rich diet, another way to enhance the nutrition of your hair is to invest in vitamin supplements.

Some complexes are enriched with everything the hair fiber needs to stay balanced. Therefore, investing in this supplement is a practical alternative for those who want to preserve the nutrition of their hair.

Divided into Force Hair, AZ Complex, Hydrolyzed Collagen, and Hyaluronic Acid, the Nutrition line supplements offer all the nutrients the hair needs to thrive.

Force Hair Accelerated Growth, for example, acts as a complement to the hair schedule and has the mission of repairing extreme damage, favoring hair strengthening and growth.

Also Read: Good Nutrition: Its Importance For A Healthy Lifestyle


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