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HomeFitness TipsThe Importance Of Exercise In The Fight Against Obesity

The Importance Of Exercise In The Fight Against Obesity

Being overweight leads to a series of diseases, but it does not preclude a new exercise routine in the fight against obesity.

Exercises for obese are of paramount importance, but they need to be less impacted at the beginning so as not to compromise the joints.

A balanced diet and gradual weight loss are great allies in this process.

What Is Obesity?

It is the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the body.

It is the most common eating disorder today.

Obesity causes at least 13 types of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (INCA).

Some diseases such as cardiovascular, thrombosis, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis are derived from obesity.

Is being overweight bothering and worrying you? Learn the importance of exercise in the fight against obesity.

The Importance And Tips Of Exercises In The Fight Against Obesity

Physical activity is significant and plays a vital role in the battle against obesity and in avoiding a sedentary lifestyle.

The most recommended exercises in the fight against obesity are those with the lowest collective impact:

  • aerobics
  • Bodybuilding
  • Walk
  • cross fit
  • Jiu Jitsu
  • Running.

When we exercise, we promote health and seek improvements for the body and mind.

The benefits go beyond a good night’s sleep, good nutrition, excellent daily performance in activities, and health prevention.

Aerobic exercise is linked to faster fat burning and calorie loss.

Bodybuilding and weight lifting are also ideal for increasing lean mass, accelerating metabolism, and reducing sagging, always guided by professionals in the field.

High-proportion jumps must be evaluated, as the impact could generate unnecessary injuries.

Fighting Obesity In Children And Adolescents

We must also emphasize the concern for children and adolescents who are obese.

The obesity rate in children and adolescents who watch less than 1 hour a day is 10%, while for those who are inert with electronic devices is up to 35%.

The preferences are: playing on the cell phone, playing video games, or being in front of the TV.

All of this takes up hours when other exercises could be done.

In general, overweight people are sedentary and have few exercise skills.

Exercise Tips For Obese Children And Teens

Activities and exercises can be fun and less tiring for obese children and adolescents, such as:

  • Jump rope
  • Go up and down stairs
  • walk around the condo
  • Swimming
  • Judo
  • Help with homework.

The sooner the person exercises, whether professionally, seeking self-income, or playing, only as a sport, it is fundamental.

With this, there is no chance for a sedentary lifestyle, which keeps muscle memory active.

A complete evaluation is of paramount importance to design the best program for the process of starting or gradually returning to activities.

Don’t waste time if you are obese and want to lose weight healthily. We have excellent nutritionists. Did you feel weakness and malaise and thought you had low blood pressure? Do you know why you felt this? If you don’t know yet, you will learn here.

Several factors can cause this feeling of unease and fainting, which characterizes low blood pressure, or hypotension, as it is known.

Some Common Causes Of Blood Pressure Drop

  • prolonged fasting
  • Diet low in sodium and potassium
  • diuretic drugs
  • antidepressants
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency.

But there are also more severe factors that can cause hypotension, as this sensation can be, for example, the sign of a stroke.

The most severe pathologies that cause it are digestive bleeding, stroke, hypoglycemia, neurological alterations, infections, etc.

For this reason, you must see a doctor every time you feel low blood pressure to do an investigation and find the cause of this problem.

The treatment for low blood pressure depends on what is causing this drop, but in some cases, it is possible to reduce the feeling of discomfort. Lose weight healthily and enjoy the benefits!

Also Read: Pre And Post-Exercise Diet


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