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Walking: All The Benefits For The Body And Mind

Walking improves circulation and stabilizes pressure—lower cholesterol. Increase creativity and help grow tall. Just walk half an hour a day.

There is no more natural and more effective exercise. Walking can be done anytime, in any year’s season and anywhere. And you don’t have to become a runner to enjoy all the most important benefits of walking those steps that, in a nutshell, lengthen life and keep many dangers for our health at a distance.

Benefits Of Walking  

Walk, walk, walk. Or, more simply, walking gives a better idea of ​​freedom of thought and movement and is a precious and simple physical exercise. Many researchers argue that using all our energies to conceive a new idea is not the best way to have the so-called “flash of genius”. At an unconscious level, our brain tends to stifle creative thinking. Instead, it is free to express itself when the body is busy with other activities because, only at that moment, the “hyper-rational” defenses are lowered. So it cannot be a coincidence that  Friedrich Nietzsche was convinced that ” all the greatest reflections are conceived by walking”. And the stimulation of creativity is just the last point in the long list of benefits of walking, which is also helpful for growing in height, from the heart to the liver, to the circulation and the joints of the arms and legs. We take advantage of any moment, even the most trivial (for example, going to buy the newspapers on Sunday), to reap the benefits of a pleasant walk.

Because Walking Is Good For Health

Several scientific types of research testify to how important walking is for people’s health and longevity. Well and often. The first comes from America and demonstrates how walking without running significantly increases the creativity and clarity of our thoughts. More steps, more ideas. 

Walking Increases Creativity 

In practice: of the approximately 200 volunteers surveyed by the Stanford researchers, those who responded while walking had an average of 60 per Ent more creative responses than those who sat. “From a cognitive point of view, we think that exercise can improve the activity of the so-called associative memory by relaxing the control of the prefrontal cortex. Hence the increase in creativity”,


The second novelty is the publication of a delightful little book by Honoré de Balzac and Theory of walking (Elliot editions). In this little essay on psychology, the great novelist, inspired by just walking, questions himself about the deeper meaning of the walk. And on its usefulness to be inspired freely and to increase creativity. Today’s Stanford professor and a great writer in the nineteenth century say the same thing: walking helps us think. Effectively.

What Is The Use Of Walking?

Walking regularly and without excessive effort, for about thirty minutes a day, is used for a series of things that lengthen life.

  • The probability of dying from cardiovascular causes or Cancer is reduced by up to 50-70 percent.
  • On average, runners live three years longer than non-runners. But running is not suitable for the obese, those with arthrosis problems, or patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. For them, the walk is enough.
  • Walking reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides and positively affects heart rate.
  • The movement of walking promotes intestinal transit and is therefore very suitable for those suffering from constipation.
  • Walking regularly means burning calories, which cannot fail to impact weight positively.
  • According to Gianfranco Beltrami, member of the board of directors of the Italian Sports Medical Federation (FMSI), “giving everything to everything once a week, on Saturday or Sunday, does not make sense, as the movement of walking, to be effective, must be done. every day”.

Benefits Of Walking On Foot 

Science shows us, every day, how good walking is. At all. A study from the University of Queensland, Australia, published a summary of the benefits of the walk. It is imposing. The risks of heart attacks and strokes are reduced (here, the required dose is 2-4 hours per week of fast walking), as well as the incidence of tumors, with particular effects on breast Cancer. Osteoporosis is prevented, endorphins are released, anxiety and stress are reduced, and blood pressure is stabilized. It decreases the mortality rate of diabetics and the possibility of developing lumbar back pain. The brain works better with a short memory, and mood makes a positive leap forward.

How Much Do We Have To Walk Per Day?

But how far do we have to walk? The ideal would be to take the famous ten thousand steps daily recommended by countless health guidelines. The minimum to ensure the benefits indicated by Australian scholars is a thirty-minute walk three to five times a week. In any case, know it: the more you walk, the better you are.

The Correct Posture 

How do you walk correctly? What should be the posture while walking? Some are essential:

  • Keep your shoulders straight and stable without letting them slide forward.
  • Slightly contract your glutes to strengthen the muscles at the end of each step.
  • Slightly bend the knee of the leg that is left behind.
  • Swing your arms naturally, with your elbows slightly bent
  • Head straight and look forward, with the alignment between the head and the legs
  • Always breathe deeply
  • Finally, to walk correctly, it is essential to drink plenty of water, wait at least 20 minutes after the meal and finish with stretching exercises.

Also Read: The Benefits Of Yoga: How Long Does It Take?


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