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HomeBeauty & FashionChin Hair, All-Natural Remedies

Chin Hair, All-Natural Remedies

A very common condition that also affects women, usually a harmless discomfort to be treated with natural remedies. Even in the female world, chin hair is a natural presence, usually dealing with very light and almost completely invisible hair. When the growth is more evident, we speak of hirsutism or hypertrichosis, which can strike with different intensity levels and several presences. 

A condition that can create embarrassment because the area is exposed to people’s gazes, turning into an unsightly presence. The hairs appear thick and darker, usually black and grow rapidly. The reasons for their persistence include a simple hormonal imbalance or the passing of the years and menopause. In some cases, their growth can signal some problem that is good to investigate without panicking. Let’s find out why hair also grows on the chin and how to get rid of it naturally.

Chin Hair, Because Present

Chin hair is also widespread in the female world, sometimes becoming a source of embarrassment. Sporadic growth is not synonymous with problems because it can be easily eliminated and traced back to specific causes. These are the most common:

  1. Hormones, such as androgenic or male hormones, such as testosterone, are produced by women, even if only minimally. They are responsible for the formation of thicker and darker hair, especially if there is a fluctuation in hormone levels due to menstruation and pregnancy.
  2. Heredity is a component not to be underestimated, such as the genetic one, which is very common in some ethnic groups, for example, in women of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern origin and, to a minimal extent, Caucasian.
  3. Aging and menopause, the third phase of female existence not to be overlooked and underestimated, foresees a decrease in estrogen and an increase in androgens.
  4. Weight, the increase in body pounds or the sudden loss, favors a hormonal oscillation and imbalance.
  5. Diabetes and Insulin Insulin resistance is a condition that can lead to prediabetes and diabetes, as well as the growth of dark hair on the chin.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS, affects the functioning of the ovaries favoring menstrual irregularities, hormonal changes, headaches, and hirsutism.
  7. Medicines are not common, but some can favor an increase in hair on the chin.
  8. High levels of cortisol favor Cushing’s syndrome, a side effect of taking certain drugs or by a tumor inside the gland that produces it. It manifests through increased facial hair and excess kilograms, stretch marks, skin prone to bruising, and muscle or bone weakness.
  9. Tumors can affect the growth of chin hair and often affect the ovaries with an increase in androgen hormones, pelvic pressure and bleeding.

Hair On The Chin, Here Are The Most Useful Natural Remedies

Excessive hair on the chin is usually eliminated with the most common techniques such as depilatory cream, waxing, pulsed light, tweezers and often even a razor. If persistent, it is advisable to consult your doctor for a routine check-up, which is useful for excluding problems. But it is also possible to weaken and eliminate them with the help of some techniques, such as the silk thread capable of making the hair increasingly weak, but which requires expert and practical hands. The area’s delicacy requires adequate but never too aggressive solutions, which is why some natural remedies can greatly help.

Oats, Honey And Lemon Juice

Mix two tablespoons of honey with two oats and two lemon juice in a bowl for a homogeneous and sticky mixture to be applied on the chin. It is massaged with circular movements until the superficial hair is removed, possibly removing everything with almond oil and a wash with water.

Egg Whites And Chickpea Flour

Mix the white of an egg with half a tablespoon of chickpea flour and one of sugar for a soft and smooth paste to apply on the chin, leaving it to dry completely before removing it as if it were a wax strip. A non-aggressive action and in the opposite direction to hair growth, then dabbing the area with fresh water. As an alternative to chickpea flour, corn starch can be used.

Banana And Oatmeal

Mix a mashed banana with two tablespoons of pure oatmeal by massaging everything on the affected part, leaving it to act for twenty minutes. Thanks to the exfoliation, the hair will begin to thin out, cleaning everything with fresh water.

Honey And Sugar

Perfect for exfoliating and removing hair, combine a spoonful of honey and one of sugar for a mixture to be applied on the chin with a circular massage. Once dry, it can be removed with a pull against the direction of hair growth and then cleaned with oil and water.

Lentils, Honey And Potatoes

Blend a cup of dry yellow lentils left in water overnight with a peeled potato, obtaining a soft mixture to be mixed with a teaspoon of honey. It is applied to the skin for thirty minutes and removed with a slight tug, if possible, or with fresh water.

Turmeric And Milk

An all-time classic, an ancient remedy useful for weakening hair, create a mixture with a spoonful of milk and one of turmeric to apply on the chin. It is massaged for ten minutes, leaving it to dry and removed by pulling in the opposite direction to the growth of the hair. Rinse and repeat twice a week.

Also Read: Healthy Eating And Its Benefits For Hair


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