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HomeHealth & WellnessHow To Improve Gut Health?

How To Improve Gut Health?

The intestine is considered a vital organ for maintaining health in general. In it, digestion and absorption of nutrients occur that are essential to our health maintenance. It is tube-shaped and extends from the end of the stomach to the anus. It is about 7 to 9 meters long and divided into small and large intestines.

The intestine is an organ with primary functions in which the passage of food, absorption, and waste elimination occurs. This organ presents peristaltic movements that take the food to its elimination in the rectum. Eating fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, greens, whole grains, legumes, and others, is very important.

This variation of foods contains more nutrients and fibers that help in health and better intestinal motility, leaving the stools softer and facilitating their elimination. In addition to making the consistency of the fecal cake more suitable, the fibers present in vegetables serve as food for the bacteria present in the intestine that are associated with benefits to our organism.

Common Gut Health Issues


Constipation is a prevalent symptom, especially among women, a recurring complaint. It can be due to genetic factors, food, emotions, specific pathologies, a sedentary lifestyle, etc. It is known for the difficulty in carrying out the evacuation. It is essential to seek medical help so that the possible cause of constipation can be investigated.


Colitis is characterized by intestinal inflammation and can cause symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation. Its causes may be food poisoning, bacteria, stress, etc. It is also essential to seek help from a doctor so that the treatment can be carried out according to the cause and a nutritionist to guide you on the best foods to introduce at the correct times.

Irritable Colon

An irritable colon is a syndrome that brings a lot of discomforts. Emotional factors, diets, and medications can interfere with irritable bowel conditions and symptoms. Some symptoms are diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain, and cramps.

Crohn’s Disease

It is a disease that causes inflammation and causes a lot of pain. The causes of Crohn’s disease may be associated with the genetic, emotional, immune system, and other factors. The symptoms are the presence of bleeding, intestinal pain, diarrhea, and difficulties eating certain foods. This disease presents many diagnostic problems and has no cure, so the follow-up of a specialist and a nutritionist is essential to help in times of difficulty with this disease.


Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the large intestine wall due to inflammation of the diverticula, which are small pockets formed in the intestine wall. Its causes may be due to the accumulation of pieces of feces in the diverticula that allow bacteria to increase, causing infections. The causes of diverticulitis are related to diets poor in fiber, lack of physical exercise, medication, and smoking, among others.

Harmful Foods For The Gut

Foods considered bad for the gut are processed and ultra-processed foods with inadequate nutritional value for gut health. These foods are low in fiber. Fibers help with motility, i.e., bowel movements, and contribute to bowel health. The tip is to avoid fast foods and prefer food in its most natural form possible.

Gut Health Foods

To have a healthy intestine, it is essential to have a balanced and balanced diet, consume foods rich in fiber, avoid processed and industrialized foods, avoid dyes, and artificial flavorings, perform regular physical activity, know how to manage emotions, have good social relationships, drink water and others. These actions promote a more satisfying life and contribute to a healthier gut.

Hydration is also essential for the health of our body as a whole; it assists in metabolism, proper functioning of the kidneys, elimination of toxic substances from the body, regulation of blood pressure, adequate blood flow, proper functioning of the intestine, absorption of nutrients, skin hydration, body temperature, and others. Drinking water is fundamental due to its importance for the appropriate functioning of the body as a whole. Remember to drink water.

The practice of physical activity helps in the good functioning of the intestine, contributing to the better movement of this vital organ. In addition to the benefits associated with the intestine, adhering to physical activity on a regular and pleasurable basis contributes to weight management, mental well-being, and others.

How To Improve Irritable Bowel Health?

To improve the health of the irritable bowel in these cases, it is advisable to divide meals into small portions throughout the day, chew food well, and avoid excess seasonings and fatty foods. Cook food thoroughly to make it soft and easily digestible.

How To Improve Gut Health During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is essential to consume foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes such as beans and lean meats, grilled or roasted. In their most natural form, these foods contain antioxidant foods, bioactive compounds, and fibers that will provide intestinal health for the mother and her baby.

Importance Of Dietary Fiber

Regular fiber consumption is associated with improved intestinal transit and contributes to controlling constipation and diseases related to constipation, such as hemorrhoids. Fibers also help in the ability to absorb water and form gel, contributing to the maintenance of cholesterol and glucose levels and contributing to the intestinal microbiota. Fiber intake recommendations are around 20 to 35 grams for adult individuals.

Due to the rush of everyday and modern life, we often have difficulties meeting our daily fiber needs, so having options for fiber-based supplements can make our day-to-day easier. Fiber supplements can be added to water, juices, teas, vitamins, and preparations, helping to maintain bowel regularity and disease prevention.

Also Read: Healthy Nutrition And Weight Loss: Understand The Role Of This


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