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Is It Possible To Be Addicted To Food?

Some recent research indicates that some types of food can be addictive, such as foods high in fat, sugar and salt.

These ingredients can cause effects on the brain that resemble drug effects. Studies in laboratories indicate that rats can feel signs of sugar addiction and start to eat compulsively.

Tips To Stop Binge Eating

Seek Help

It can be tough to stop binge eating without the help of a professional, especially if the problem is emotional. The use of a therapist can help uncover triggers for overeating.

In addition, talking to a psychologist can help create a more positive view of yourself and give you greater motivation to eat healthier and more moderately.

The Answer Is No Longer A Diet

There is a high chance that binge eating started precisely because of a diet, so a different diet will not help and may even get in the way.

Especially in the case of restrictive diets where you cannot eat some food or eat in tiny amounts, this will make you even more willing to eat that forbidden food, and if you eat it, you will become even more demotivated.

Eat Slower

Usually, people who eat compulsively also eat very fast. Research carried out at the University of Florida found that the brain of a thin person takes about 12 minutes to receive the first signs of satiety, but that number rises to 20 minutes or more if that person is obese.

Regardless of your physical type, eating slower will give your body time to recognize that you’re eating and provide you with satiety signals, so you don’t overeat without realizing it.

Eat On Smaller Plates

There are ways to eat less without realizing it by tricking your brain. By putting less food on a plate, your brain can identify that meal as insufficient, as it is used to having a large portion on that plate.

If you use a smaller plate, the same portion will look much more significant, and your brain won’t tell you that you need to eat more.

Choose More Satisfying Foods

Avoid foods full of calories in low volume, that is, any food with a lot of added sugar or fat, such as ice cream, milk chocolate, and snacks.

The more fiber and protein in what you’re eating, the greater your feeling of fullness without overeating.

Before You Start Eating, Reflect

When you think you need to eat, take a moment to think about whether you’re starving. Often, people are so focused on what they want to eat that they don’t realize they’re not hungry but want to eat.

This is the most significant sign of binge eating: eating without being hungry. This is usually linked to emotional issues. Therefore, to stop binge eating, it is essential to be aware of why you consume each time.

Surrender To Some Desires

Restricting foods will only make you want to eat them even more, and in the case of some craving that you try to inhibit, the result is the same.

Allow yourself, in moderation, to stray from the line, but do it consciously. This will motivate you to keep going while decreasing signs of stress and anxiety.

Don’t Focus Too Much On The Scale

People who suffer from an eating disorder tend to weigh themselves frequently. This can demotivate you even more if you try to stop binge eating and stick to healthier eating habits.

Weighing yourself all the time doesn’t help, and if your problem is an emotional one, it will make you want to eat when you realize that you haven’t lost the desired pounds. So stay away from the Scale for a while.

Food Can Be Fuel, But It Must Also Be Pleasurable

Usually, those who are always on a diet start to see meals as an unpleasant moment because they want more than they are satisfied with. This is very demotivating.

Try to take the opportunity to test new recipes with ingredients you like and don’t eat foods that you don’t want just because they are healthy. Also, stay away from foods or products that promise low calories just for this reason, as they usually don’t taste good and eating them won’t be pleasant.

Celebrate Small Wins And Stay Positive

When we face a problem, we often forget to celebrate the small victories, thinking about the big goals we still haven’t reached. Be more positive and give yourself the credit you deserve.

Likewise, when you relapse, please don’t be ashamed of it. Understand that overcoming an eating disorder like stopping binge eating is not easy, so you need to be persistent and count on the help of people close to you and, if possible, a professional to help you.

Focus On Stocks

Much more than saying you want to stop binge eating, you need to take action. Actions are worth much more than words.

When you go to the supermarket, buy healthy foods that will leave you satisfied, foods rich in protein and fiber. If possible, get involved in the meal preparation process.

With less processed foods and nutrient-poor foods in your home, you are more likely to start a healthy eating habit.

Also Read: Five Strategies To Improve Metabolism And Lose Weight


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