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HomeFitness Tips5 Signs That The Body Needs Physical Activity

5 Signs That The Body Needs Physical Activity

A sedentary lifestyle reflects on aesthetics and, of course, on physical and mental health. It would help if you kept an eye out for signs that it’s time to change your habits.

The regular practice of a physical activity is directly related to the quality of life and longevity. The good news is that sport can be incorporated into childhood routines. However, it is never too late to (re)start.

The little ones benefit from sports that help motor development and socialization and encourage cooperation and respect for the rules, such as soccer, swimming, wrestling (karate, judo, etc.), and rhythmic and Olympic gymnastics.

A good bet from 7 to 12 years old is that modalities work to balance postures and demand memory strategies, such as cycling, athletics, capoeira, and surfing.

During adolescence, competitive sports, in general, tend to be the most sought after. In adult life, the rule must remain affinity: CrossFit, weight training, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, functional, and so on…

Bodybuilding And Aerobic

Many people are in doubt when choosing a modality to call their own. According to experts, the ideal is to associate strength and endurance activities, as both are important and beneficial for the body.

Aerobic training plays a vital role in weight loss and improves physical conditioning, but in excess, it can cause damage such as a decrease in lean mass. Bodybuilding is essential not just for aesthetic reasons but to avoid problems such as sarcopenia, which is nothing more than muscle loss and osteopenia, loss of bone mass. In addition, strength activity ensures more autonomy during old age, significantly improving the quality of life of the elderly.

However, even before the age of 60, the harm caused by a sedentary lifestyle can be felt. The reflection of this choice can be felt in countless ways; After all, you’ve undoubtedly heard the expression: “the body speaks,” haven’t you?

1. Excessive Tiredness And Discouragement

The saying goes, “the less I do, the less I feel like doing.” Tiredness can be a consequence of the lack of intense activities. Spending a lot of time sitting in front of the computer, getting around exclusively by car, and not dedicating time to the practice of physical exercises will undoubtedly result in more lack of energy.

This is because sweating your shirt releases hormones, such as adrenaline, that give your body’s energy levels a boost. Therefore, it is essential to overcome laziness, fatigue, and discouragement until the habit is part of the routine.

2. Stress And Irritability

Excessive demands, hours in traffic, children, home, and many other day-to-day obligations have stressed many people. In this sense, it is worth betting on sport as an ally for leisure and endorphin release, a hormone that causes a feeling of relaxation and pleasure.

Another tip is to do outdoor modalities, such as running or cycling, which promote connection with nature and encourage socialization.

3. Insufficient Or Non-Restorative Sleep

Leaving a sedentary lifestyle has improved restful sleep, considered the deepest and best quality. The continuous practice of sports also acts on sleep disorders, such as apnea, which significantly compromises the routine of those who suffer.

The hormones released during sport are also associated with pleasure and relaxation, undoubtedly influencing bedtime. A survey carried out in 2014 found that some of the greatest athletes in the world sleep between 6 and 10 hours, proving that good performance is indeed related to sleep.

4. Overweight And Obesity

Excess weight can be a significant indicator of lack of movement. There is no way around it for those looking to make peace with the scales: you have to take the first step – literally.

The tip is to make small changes in everyday life for those just starting, such as changing the elevator for the stairs and walking more. The exercise planning must be outlined by a professional who accompanies the student individually.

5. Commitment To Mental Health

The benefits of sport include, in addition to physical health, mental health. And you don’t have to be a great sportsman or competitor to feel the effects that range from improving self-esteem mood, reducing anxiety levels, and improving depression, considered today’s great villains.

In addition to the hormones already mentioned, there is also serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for ensuring the feeling of happiness and pleasure. Its absence can cause irritability, memory, and concentration difficulties, among other symptoms that are proven to be relieved after sports practice.

The Word Is: Constance

It is recommended that the practice of exercises be consistent so that the benefits are felt. In late 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines. The recommendation is 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity weekly for adults and about 60 minutes for children and adolescents.

Activities that involve muscle strengthening, in the case of adults, should be performed at least two days a week, covering the main muscle groups.

Another point to consider is nutritional monitoring. A varied menu containing all food groups and designed individually is another important pillar in maintaining health and firm performance in training.

Supplementation is also a good alternative in some cases, as it helps to recover muscle tissue and has an antioxidant and energizing effect, ideal for post-workout.

Also Read: Losing Weight: How Does The Brain Know When The Stomach Is Full?


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