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HomeFitness TipsEight Essential Strategies For You To Gain Muscle Mass

Eight Essential Strategies For You To Gain Muscle Mass

Knowing how to gain muscle mass healthily is one of the most common priorities among physical exercise practitioners. In addition to the correct execution of activities, food plays a fundamental role in the process. Without an orderly diet, the results will not be as desired.

Human musculature needs time to rest after a bodybuilding workout, for example. Internally, a series of muscle micro-lesions require the ingestion of adequate nutrients for the growth of fiber diameter. That’s the impact of a correct eating routine aimed at mass gain.

Among the main precautions, it is worth mentioning the need to avoid losing lean and gaining fat mass, which may look the same visually. To stay on top of the theme, continue with us and see eight essential strategies!

Consume More Calories Than You Burn

The ratio between ingested and expended calories must be somewhat disproportionate to gain muscle mass. Consumption must exceed expenditure, as calories are directly responsible for muscle growth.

When drawing up an eating routine, find the approximate calories consumed. While training, look for similar information about caloric expenditure and draw a parallel to see if you are on the right track.

Increase Protein Intake

Recent studies indicate that a person should ingest between 1.2 and 2.2 grams of protein per kg daily, according to their weight. Those already used to bodybuilding exercise can slightly increase consumption, with a minimum of about 1.6 grams.

The idea is to distribute protein intake throughout the day during meals, not just one or two. The best sources of protein are:

  • meat (red and white);
  • fish;
  • cheeses;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • bean;
  • Lentil;
  • pea;
  • peanuts etc.

Proteins are essential in the diet for gaining muscle mass. They enhance the increase of fiber, so much so that several protein supplements are well known today. If you will use them, seek professional guidance to avoid overloading organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Invest In Good Fats

A group of fats cannot be left out if your goal is to increase muscle mass healthily. The reason is the ability to generate energy for the body without the so-called glycemic peak and to act in the formation of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, which helps in mass gain.

Olive oil, peanuts, avocado, chestnuts, walnuts, olives, linseed, and fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines are in this select group of good fats. The tip is to include them in the routine in small meals during the morning or afternoon, for example. If desired, it is worth using creativity to escape the “single” intake.

Don’t Skip Meals

The organism of those who need to gain muscle mass must remain constantly supplied with nutrients and calories. Therefore, if that is your goal, avoid periods without eating in which that hunger that seems insatiable hits. Don’t skip meals!

This is the only way to distribute the necessary calories for the day without overdoing it in a specific meal, such as lunch or dinner. In addition, the loss of lean mass, a consequence of extended fasts, is avoided. On a typical day, the ideal is to eat six meals, paying attention to coffee and those before and after exercise.

Drink Water

Water is on any list of beneficial habits for the human body, and you must have noticed this a long time ago. But we need to emphasize again the relevance it has in our organism.

If muscle cells grow, they need more water. If insufficient liquid intake, the mass gain process loses speed, as water directly stimulates hypertrophy.

Healthy adults should ingest about 35 ml per day for each kg; someone weighing 60 kg would need to consume just over two liters. But remember: it’s pure and drinkable water, no mixing with other drinks.

Skip The Sugar And Processed Foods

At the beginning of the post, we discussed the dangers of losing lean mass and gaining fat mass, which is easily confused visually. Remember? So, avoiding foods with added sugar and processed foods is a habit directly responsible for the body’s health.

The diet that aims to gain muscle mass already delivers enough calories, which would be another problem. Fast foods, crackers, sweets, sausage, ham, bacon, and derivatives should be removed from the list, giving way, for example, to healthier alternatives such as meat, fish, eggs, whole meal bread and cakes, mozzarella cheese or mine, etc.

Remember The Fruits

Vitamins and minerals found in fruits help muscle recovery after physical activity—body acceleration results in the highest speed of hypertrophy and mass gain.

Consuming at least two fruits daily helps reduce fatigue, strengthen the immune system, and contract the muscles. Banana, apple, grape, orange, pear, plum, pineapple, lemon, tangerine… Remember the fruit!

Train Correctly

Our eighth and final tip is related to exercising, especially bodybuilding. If you are looking for hypertrophy, you must follow some essential basic guidelines, such as:

  • perform the movements slowly;
  • continue even when experiencing minor initial pains;
  • train at least three times a week;
  • when you reach the first goal, look for others;
  • follow the instructions of trained professionals to help you.

Starting training with bodybuilding, you still guarantee a plus of disposition and strength to extract the most from your muscles. Leave the aerobic part for later.

Also Read: 4 Foods That Boost Muscle Mass Gain


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