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HomeFitness TipsPhysical Exercise And Food: What Is The Importance Of This Relationship?

Physical Exercise And Food: What Is The Importance Of This Relationship?

To lose weight healthily and remain active, it is necessary to invest daily in the combination of physical exercise and food. That’s because it’s only efficient to practice some sport or do bodybuilding if the food is up to date, providing all the nutrients needed to improve muscle and localized fat loss.

But then, how to develop a healthy lifestyle and align physical activity with food? If this is your doubt, rest assured! Good reading!

Does Food Impact The Result Of The Training?

The lack of a healthy diet directly affects the results you want to get. After all, if proteins are not replenished, if the organism does not have the energy to move, and if the body does not carry the nutrients and vitamins to metabolize fat, the quality of physical activity is reduced.

In other words, to lose weight healthily and achieve your aesthetic goals, you must always work with food and exercise together. This way, you guarantee more disposition in your daily life, increasing your quality of life.

How To Align Exercise And Food?

Now that you know the importance of investing in good eating habits, you must understand how to harmonize them with physical activity. First, avoid doing them on an empty stomach, especially weight exercises with a high muscular explosion and aerobics.

Let’s think together: if food is the body’s fuel, it is necessary to have some reserve that provides energy to carry out any movement. Although this reserve is localized fat — which will be burned later — the body still needs something instantaneous to help it, and this is where the importance of pre-and post-workout snacks comes in.

If you stop eating before practicing any physical activity or fasting without the accompaniment of a qualified professional, the blood sugar levels decrease and lose effectiveness, supporting the development of physical discomforts, such as hypoglycemia, cold sweating, pallor, tremors, palpitations, and fainting.

And as we will explain further below: it is not enough to eat any carbohydrates before training to have energy; it is necessary to consider what physical activity is being carried out and its intensity. So you can put together the perfect menu that covers your nutritional needs.

To make it easier for you to understand, we’ve separated all the steps you need to follow in your physical exercise routine to align it with healthy eating. Check out!

Before The Training

Until then, we emphasized eating well before practicing physical activities. After all, it’s not enough to eat just anything.

At this point, feel free to include carbs in your pre-workout snacks. They are responsible for providing energy for the practice, ensuring increased income and performance aligned with muscle gain.

That doesn’t mean you should eat a plate full of pasta. Remember that the primary foundation for a healthy life is maintaining balance, okay?

In this way, invest in whole grain bread, small portions of English or sweet potatoes, cassava, oatmeal, and granola. Also, always try to align them with some light source of protein, such as white cheese, cottage cheese, and ricotta.

This will ensure more willingness to train and provide energy and oxygen to the muscles, preventing early fatigue and later pain.

After Exercise

One of the biggest mistakes of an unhealthy diet is the incorrect intake of nutrients after physical practice. Stopping eating certain foods makes all the difference for those who want to lose weight or tone their body.

That’s because if the body doesn’t acquire the necessary nutrients after training, it can’t recover the musculature correctly, making your results difficult. In addition, it is essential to replace the energy spent to ensure proper fat metabolism.

For this, assemble a small snack with carbohydrates, which can vary between rice, bread, whole meal pasta, fruits, and honey, together with protein-rich foods, opting for yogurt, milk, low-fat cheese, eggs, legumes, and lean meats.

Thus, you provide your body with nutrients, vitamins, and energy to reduce swelling, recover micro-injuries to muscle fibers, and metabolize fat.

Plus, remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. This favors the entire body’s functioning, enabling the breakdown of fat molecules more efficiently and making you reach your goal quickly and effectively.

What Are The Impacts Of A Bad Diet?

In the previous topic, you noticed the importance of aligning physical exercise and food through pre- and post-workout snacks. But what happens when these meals need to be followed correctly? Or, worse, when there is excessive consumption during the day?

A bad diet can generate many impacts on our bodies. From favoring the appearance of diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol, to more severe cases, such as stomach and intestinal cancer.

This decreases the quality of life, bringing disharmony to your physical and mental health. Therefore, taking care of food is a central pillar to developing a healthy life.

Also Read: Everything You Needed To Know About Body Fat Percentage


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