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HomeRecipesLemon Tart: The Recipe Without Butter, With Yogurt And Almonds

Lemon Tart: The Recipe Without Butter, With Yogurt And Almonds

A dessert with a unique flavor that is very reminiscent of the lemon tarts that our grandmothers prepared. Ideal for breakfast but also a snack at school for the little ones

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Difficulty: medium

Lemons are rich in properties that are important for our health, and, after all, we have them all year round. And especially for those who live in the city, the best made in Italy lemons, think of those from the Sorrento peninsula or the Sicilians, cost a lot. So, woe to waste them, even considering that lemons in the kitchen are very versatile and precious, for example, when making desserts.

Lemon Tart Recipe

How about this delicious lemon tart, perfect for breakfast? A simple, beautiful, excellent, and ideal dessert even for those who do not like butter: it provides margarine and yogurt in its place.

Lemon Pie

So let’s see, step by step, how to prepare this dessert with a unique flavor. A tip: use organic lemons since the recipe includes grated zest among the ingredients.

Ingredients (for the shortcrust pastry)

  • 100 grams of margarine
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 200 grams of flour 00
  • Untreated grated rind of lemon

Ingredients (for the lemon cream)

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 60 grams of yogurt
  • 40 grams of powdered sugar
  • The aroma of vanilla or grated lemon zest
  • About 15 almonds

Preparation time: 25 – 30 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes


  1. Knead the shortcrust pastry: mix the yogurt with the sugar in a bowl, add the egg yolks, and pour the sifted flour. A soft but firm dough must be obtained. Transfer it to the refrigerator and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the lemon cream: dissolve the icing sugar in the yogurt. Whip the eggs with the sugar, flavor with vanilla or grated lemon zest, and add the juice of the two lemons, which is well filtered. Combine the sweetened yogurt.
  3. Place the mixture in a bowl and heat it in a bain-marie, constantly stirring, until it becomes velvety and veils the spoon (about five minutes from boiling the water). Let it cool down.
  4. Turn on the static oven at 200 °.
  5. Take the shortcrust pastry back, roll it out not too thinly with your hands or with a rolling pin and line a pan of about 22 cm. in diameter.
  6. On the bottom, sprinkle the previously chopped almonds, not finely.
  7. Cover with the warm cream and put in the oven.
  8. After about half an hour, it is ready when the dough is golden brown.

Also Read: Banana Roll: A Delicious Recipe For Summer


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